Academic Supervision, Class Visiting, Teacher PerformanceAbstract
Suprih Danurwati, 942013161. Implementation of supervision class visiting to increase teacher’s performance of SD Negeri 2 Kalimanggis District of Kaloran. Thesis. The graduatiton Program Master of Management Education Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga. Supervisor Prof. Dr. Slameto, M.Pd. This study is to determine that through the implementation of supervision class visiting can improve the performance of teachers in the learning management. The subjects of this study are teachers in SD Negeri 2 Kalimanggis, Kaloran, Temanggung. The procedure used in this study consists of a series of three main activities undertaken in a repeating cycle, including (a) plan, (b) action by observation, and (c) reflection. research approach using action research methods, while the method of data collection using the study documentation, observations, questionnaires, and interviews. The results showed an increasing in the ability of teachers to prepare lesson plans and manage the learning of the first act, second, until the third act. The inference that supervision class visiting that can improve the performance of teachers in the learning management. Suggestions given to teachers, is taking advantage of supervision activities as a source of information to improve the competence and performance, for principals use the results of this study as a reference in conducting research, while for school superintendent will use the results of this study as one of the references in activity guidance to the heads of schools and teachers to improve their performance.
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