Essential Facilities, Market Control, State-Owned EnterprisesAbstract
State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) business activities often control an essential facility, raising market control. In cases of market control, this study identifies that the Indonesian Competition Commission has different considerations and decisions in two cases with the same object. In one case, the Commission Assembly did not justify monopolistic market control by SOE based on the essential facilities doctrine (EFD). However, it justified monopolistic market control by SOE in another case based on Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia, which is categorized as a monopoly by law. In this case, the aspect of market control by SOEs is rarely analyzed based on the business competition doctrine regarding essential facilities. Therefore, this study focuses on how market control by SOEs under the EFD. With the normative method, this study found that every enterprise with control over an essential facility, including SOE, must provide access to competitors on reasonable terms based on the EFD. So, this article defends the argument that the Commission Assembly should consider EFD in every case of market control by SOE, which controls essential facilities.
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