Simulasi Extended ACL pada Jaringan VLAN Menggunakan Aplikasi Cisco Packet Tracer
network, ACL, Extended ACL, Cisco Packet Tracer, VLANAbstract
Quality, appropriate, and good network security tools are needed to improve network quality and limit security threats on a computer network. This paper discusses the simulation of using Extended ACLs on VLAN networks using the Cisco Packet Tracer application on a computer network in order to be able to control each network user's access rights so that attack patterns and prevention are known. There are six stages carried out in this research: network analysis, network design, network development, network configuration, network testing, and analysis of test results. The results of the Extended ACL configuration that have been carried out can be used to identify and overcome spam by limiting the access rights of the VLAN network or access point network that has been used. Configured Extended ACLs can help routers precisely limit access rights on each VLAN network or access point network in determining which network addresses can connect and communicate with each other to access the FTP server and web server FTP.
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