Peningkatan Keterampilan Menulis Teks Eksposisi Menggunakan Model Problem Based Learning
Writing Skill, Problem-Based Learning, CAR, Exposition TextAbstract
The aim of this research is improving expositional text writing skill using PBL for students eighth grade at SMPN 3 Surakarta. PBL is a learning model where the students are asked to solve the problems based on the information given, later they are asked to describe the problems in real life. This Classroom Action Research used the data collection technique with test. The instruments of learning process consisted of 3 items of activity and 20 indicators that were divided into 3 initial stages, core stage, and closing stage. It is shown from the data analysis that the teacher’s teaching activity in the first cycle scored 73, in the second cycle scored 77, and the third cycle reached 80, and all those three results achieved ‘good’ category. The percentage of students' passing level in the first cycle was 43.75%, the second cycle was 68.75%, and the third cycle was 100%. The implementation of PBL was better than in the previous cycle. It was indicated by the improvement in the passing score from 73% (Classification C) in the second cycle, to 82% (Classification B)in the third cycle.
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