Appellate Body, International Organisation Law, Consensus, Separation and Division of PowersAbstract
Owing to its complexity, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has built a complete system of trade law based on consensus as a decision-making method. The WTO divides power into functions performed by organs. The rejection of the Appellate Body appointment by the United States became a ticking time bomb that revealed a gap in the division and separation of powers, which can be called a procedural problem within the WTO. This paper aims to structurally and normatively analyze the position of the Appellate Body in the WTO, as well as the legal causes and consequences of the United States' rejection of the appointment of Appellate Body members. This study uses normative research methods with a conceptual approach and a statutory approach, to conclude that the WTO needs to reform the form of the Appellate Body adjudication to full adjudication and the election of Appellate Body judges by reverse consensus.
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