Effect of organizational size and intellectual capital on organizational performance
Organizational performance, organizational size, human resource development, service qualityAbstract
Public sector reform must always maintain the trust mandated therefore it is necessary to apply the principles of a new management philosophy that demands to development and manage intangible assets, especially intellectual capital. Based on this, this study aims to analyze and obtain empirical evidence of the effect of organizational size and intellectual capital with The SICAP Project model (human resource development and service quality) on organizational performance. The population of this research is the entire Provincial BPS work unit (Satker) totaling 34 work units for the period 2018-2020, with an observation data of 100. The data analysis technique uses unbalanced data panels with the EVIEWS 9 application. This research has succeeded in proving that human resource development and service quality have a positive effect on organizational performance. However, the size of the organization has no impact on organizational performance. The contribution of this research theoretically supports the sources-based view theory. While other contributions are for stakeholders in the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in improving their organizational performance by empowering their resources, both in the form of tangible and intangible assets so that the quality of service improves.
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