Dynamic portfolio formulation using bitcoin and LQ45 stocks
Portfolio, Hedge, Bitcoin, LQ45 Stocks, DCC-GARCHAbstract
This research aims to evaluate whether dynamic portfolios consisting of bitcoin and LQ45 stocks outperform portfolios composed solely of LQ45 stocks, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Accordingly, we use the time-series data of eight stocks and bitcoin from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2020. We then run the DCC-GARCH method to analyze better the dynamic correlation between assets and the abnormalities of stock return distributions. The findings demonstrate that bitcoin is negatively correlated with LQ45 stocks, and hence, it can be used to hedge against stock assets. Further, we measure the portfolio performance of bitcoin-hedged and unhedged stock portfolios using the Jensen Index, Treynor Index, Sharpe Index, Sortino Ratio, and Omega Ratio. These measures consistently indicate that bitcoin-hedged stocks outperform unhedged stocks. In sum, our study concludes that incorporating bitcoin into portfolio formation improves portfolio performance.
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