Analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi layanan RT RW Net MR WiFi berbasis web


  • Arsel Tirta Asferand Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University
  • Hanna Prillysca Chernovita Faculty of Information Technology, Satya Wacana Christian University



Internet, Data, Information System, Website, RT RW Net


RT RW Net is an internet service provider that operates on a micro-scale. One of their service providers, MR Net, has faced challenges in managing administrative data manually, which has hindered their business process activities. As a solution, a website-based information system has been designed to integrate a whole system. The system was developed using the waterfall method, and the data required for the design was collected through observation and interviews. The information system consists of various components such as a login page, dashboard menu, user menu, ticketing menu, active bill menu, and profile menu. Users are divided into two roles, admin and user, each with their respective functions. Admins are responsible for managing user data, ticketing, and bills, while users can view their billing history, submit tickets, and manage their data. All data will be stored in a local database to support administrative business processes and minimize errors and data loss. 


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How to Cite

A. T. Asferand and H. P. Chernovita, “Analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi layanan RT RW Net MR WiFi berbasis web”, AITI, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 117–139, Apr. 2024.


