Analisis Routing Protokol Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Pada Raspberry Pi
Optimized Link State Routing, Raspberry Pi, Wireless Mesh Network, Self-Configure, Self-HealingAbstract
Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)is one of the two standard for mesh networks. OLSR is a link state routing protocol, which use hallo message and topology control (TC) to determine the link state information across the mobile ad-hoc network. OLSR is widely used in the wireless mesh network. Raspberry Pi is a mini computer which can be used as a node router to replace the function of a router in a wireless mesh network. In this research, Raspberry Pi is used as a router nodes to determine the performance of routing protocol OLSR. The parameters used to measure its performance is self-configure time, self-healing and bandwidth usage. The test results showed that the use of routing protocols OLSR on the Raspberry Pi in a wireless mesh network proved able to repair itself if there is a problem on the network since it has ability to self-configure and self-healing.
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