Trichoderma spp., The Multi-Functional Fungus
1) The Character of Trichoderma and Its Position in Classification, 2) The Role of Trichoderma in Disease Control, 3) Trichoderma as a Biological Fertilizer, 4) Trichoderma as an Estimator of Plant Secondary Metabolic Production, 5) Utilization of Genes from Trichoderma in the Formation of Transgenic Plants, 6) The Role of Trichoderma as Bioremediation Agent, 7) Prospects for Trichoderma Utilization in Indonesia
Bioremediation, disease control, fertilizer, transgenic plants, Trichoderma sppAbstract
In Indonesia most farmers still use chemical pesticides as crop disease management. But uncontrolled use of pesticides can adversely affect the environment and health of consumers as well as the high cost of production to farmers. One of the alternatives that farmers can develop primarily in Indonesia in the future is to use the Trichoderma spp. as a source of vegetative growth such as potatoes, purple eggplants, soy, rubber, cacao and other plants and to suppress and control diseases caused by pathogens such as Phytophthora infestans, Fusarim oxysporum and Pythium arrhenomanes, Rigidoporus microporus, P. solanacearum, Aspergillus niger, Colletotrichum, Botrytis alli and the others. Plant disease control using the Trichoderma spp. is an environment-friendly control process. The role of the Trichoderma spp. as disease control. As a biological fertilizer, as a ehstoreroom prestabolis secundes, a use of the gene trichoderma in the can be found in transgenic crops and. As bioremediation, ulasanini studies more in the benefits of the Trichoderma spp., how the fungus can carry out its role, the Trichoderma spp. application.especially in Indonesia and the prospect of using the Trichoderma spp. in Indonesia.
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