Fish Pita Chips Sebagai Bentuk Inovasi Pangan Berbasis Ikan
ikan, inovasi pangan, KEPAbstract
As a developing country, nutritional deficiencies, such as PEM (protein energy malnutrition) is a common problem in Indonesia. One of the abundant sources of protein is fish. Fish production in Indonesia is relatively high, but various factors cause the level of fish consumption in Indonesia is still relatively low although fish contains very useful ingredients such as unsaturated fatty acids and high protein. Processing fish into other products can be done to increase fish acceptance in the community. One option that can be done is to process fish into snacks. With the of snacks, it can indirectly increase national fish consumption. Snacks made from fish as a base ingredient also have a high enough protein content that can help society to meet protein requirement and minimize the occurrence of PEM cases in Indonesia.
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