Blockchain zakat: An integrated financial inclusion strategy to manage Indonesia’s potential zakat funds
Business model canvas, zakat fund, financial inclusion, zakat blockchain programAbstract
The research aims to analyze the potential of using blockchain to promote integrated financial inclusion through Indonesian potential zakat funds. We use a qualitative approach (the business model canvas) as the analysis tool. We generate the data using the literature study. The essence of the zakat funds management implies that zakat assets should not be left idle. Further, greater zakat funds collected, managed, and distributed will deliver more benefits to mauquf alayh, greater divine rewards to the wakif, and greater funds received by nazir. Our results indicate that the zakat blockchain programs offer various benefits because blockchain facilitates more decentralized and borderless transactions. The benefits include achieving targets more effectively; avoiding overlap; developing zakat more systematically; monitoring more effectively in planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating nazhir zakat; and contributing to short, medium, and long-term national socioeconomic objectives. In sum, we conclude that more decentralized and borderless blockchain-facilitated transactions potentially enhance Indonesian zakat funds' potential collection and utilization.
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