Neutron Characterization of BNCT Water Phantom Based on Kartini Research Reactor Using PHITS


  • Vika Hutaria Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Susilo Susilo Universitas Negeri Semarang
  • Yohannes Sardjono Pusat Sains Dan Teknologi Akselerator; Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (PSTA BATAN) / Center of Science and Technology of Accelerator; National Nuclear Energy Agency



BNCT, Water phantom, Neutron, Reactor


Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is a therapy that utilizes the interaction of thermal neutrons with a boron-10 core that produces alpha particles and lithium nuclei. The result of this boron reaction has high linear energy transfer (LET).  BNCT has an advantage over other radiation therapy in that it has a high selectivity level. This research was run using PHITS simulation to find out the value of neutron flux spread over a water phantom. The conclusion of the research is the distribution of neutron flux in the water phantom without boron is higher the the distribution of neutron flux in the water phantom containing boron


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How to Cite

Hutaria, V., Susilo, S., & Sardjono, Y. (2019). Neutron Characterization of BNCT Water Phantom Based on Kartini Research Reactor Using PHITS. Indonesian Journal of Physics and Nuclear Applications, 4(1), 16–21.


