
  • Eklesia Hosana Randi Pratiwi Universitas Surabaya


bunuh diri, agama, religiusitas, pencegahan


Suicidal behavior is often encountered in many media and often many of us question why that behavior arises. Indonesian society views that suicidal behavior occurs because they are individuals who have less religiosity. Even though people who committed suicide had tried to find peace in spiritually, but they did not find it. This study aims to find out how religion can control people who have suicidal thoughts and public stigma regarding people who has committed suicidal behavior through 6 (six) religions in Indonesia. The results of this journal show that every religion and belief has given orders or prohibitions for suicidal behavior, but there are preventive factors that are considered capable;  social support and family relations so that thoughts or desires for suicide can be prevented.


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How to Cite

Randi Pratiwi, E. H. (2020). PANDANGAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP BUNUH DIRI MELALUI PERAN AGAMA DI INDONESIA. Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial, 9(2), 167–184. Retrieved from


