Perception, Youth, Integrity, Anti CorruptionAbstract
The future of Indonesia is determined by the quality of human resources, particularly among young people. In the context of dealing with the problem of corruption, which is systemic, we certainly hope that young children are relatively more sterile than the values of permissiveness toward corruption. Thus, when they enter into the adult world, began working at the company, or become businessmen, bureaucrats, politicians, and others, they have the value of a strong integrity and spearheading the eradication of corruption in their respective sectors. Active and visible role in the eradication of corruption of young people who have acute in this country, became a great hope to build a corruption-free nation Indonesia. Prerequisite for achieving corruption-free Indonesia is a strong lack of awareness about integrity as a foundation in their resistance to corruption.
This study aims to determine the perceptions of young people against the integrity and anti-corruption that can be assessed through (1) the understanding and knowledge of integrity, (2) values, principles and attitudes when dealing with corrupt behavior, (3) permisifitas when confronted with corrupt behavior, and (4) the role of the younger generation in an effort to prevent corruption. This study uses a quantitative approach and the type of research that is used to collect data is to survey.
The results showed that the level of understanding and knowledge of integrity among the young generation is quite good, they recognize well about the values and principles of integrity. But on the other hand there is a tendency to compromise and negotiate and permissiveness towards the values and principles of integrity when confronted situational conditions that pertained to him and his family. There is a tendency pessimistic attitude in the young generation of the role and commitment in building integrity and anti-corruption.
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