Meningkatkan Kemampuan Anak Dalam Menceritakan Kembali Isi Cerita Melalui Media Boneka Tangan
Media, Hand Puppets, Early ChildhoodAbstract
This study aims to improve children's ability to retell the content of the story by using hand puppet media. Children's ability to retell can be measured by how well they can express and arrange the storyline that has been conveyed by the teacher through the teaching obtained, as well as the child's ability when answering questions from the teacher about what, who, why, and where related to the content of the story. Collaborative classroom action research method, a total of 17 children from group B1 consisting of 8 boys and 9 girls at TK Negeri Pembina Adipala District. Data collection through observation and documentation techniques, qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis. The results of increasing the percentage of speaking skills: from 52.8% at the initial stage (poor category), to 65.6% (sufficient category), and increased again to 88.1% (good category). The steps taken to improve speaking skills include: The teacher tells a story to the children, then asks questions about the story, the children repeat the story, and ends by giving motivation by the teacher so that the children actively participate related to the content of the story. Through the use of hand puppet media, teachers provide fun learning so that children more easily capture new information and knowledge taught.
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AUDIENSI: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Perkembangan Anak is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License