Tinjauan Deskriptif Penerapan Higher Order Thinking dan Problem-Based Learning Pada Mata Kuliah Geometri Berdasarkan Kemampuan Matematika Mahasiswa
higher order thinking, mathematics, elementary school, problem-solvingAbstract
Teaching and learning process in the classroom tends to use the process of memorizing and using the concept in Bloom's taxonomy. This study developed questions that invites students to perform high-level skill process of analyzing, evaluating, and creating, according to Bloom's taxonomy, which are the indicators of HOT (Higher Order Thinking). The HOT process is derived from students experience in learning and the knowledge of each student. This qualitative descriptive research aims to obtain a description of the HOT problem-solving process in the geometry course. Subjects in this study were 50 prospective elementary school teachers. The learning process begins with the students getting the problems given by the teacher, then discussing it in groups, and providing opportunities for students to express opinions or thoughts orally. The data collection was the results of the student's thinking process, problem-solving skills test, and interviews. The data analysis was done by doing data reduction, data presentation, also drawing conclusion and verification. The result showed that students experiencing high level skill process of analyzing, evaluating and creating. In the process of analyzing, the students proved the formula of the area of two-dimensional figures. In evaluating the stages, the students in the group conducted the examination, made guesses, did the experiment, and tested the allegations of what has been done. Furthermore, students were able to create and find various answers in the form of two-dimensional figures.
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