Persepsi Remaja di Jemaat Bersehati Adean tentang Profesi Pendeta
pastor, profession, church, perspective, teenagerAbstract
Theological schools are institutions that prepare prospective pastors in the church. The
curriculum and other resources are directed to produce qualified prospective pastors
according to the church's needs. The problem is that theological schools and churches
generally face low interest from teenagers in the faculty or study program of theology, which
is very likely influenced by their perception of the pastor's profession. This study aims to
determine adolescents' perceptions of the pastor's profession at the Banggai Laut Protestant
Church, Bersehati Adean Congregation, one of the churches in Banggai Laut district, Central
Sulawesi Province. The method used was a survey with descriptive problem formulation. Data
was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. There were 30 respondents involved.
The results showed that respondents had a positive perception of the pastor's profession,
namely that the pastor is a profession that lives in God's blessing, is respected, and is useful for
many people. Respondents also negatively perceive the pastor's profession, namely that the
pastor is too constrained, too holy, too heavy, and does not promise a prosperous life. Negative
perceptions show harmony with the behavior of teenagers who want to live freely and do not
want to be restrained.
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