Author Guidelines

Authors are advised to prepare their paper strictly according to the instructions set below. Because of the formatting errors or due to consistency reasons, the manuscript will not be accepted, both for evaluation and possible further editorial process.

The paper must be presented in Bahasa Indonesia. The length of the manuscript is no longer than 12 pages. The paper should be prepared in one-columns format covering Judul (in Bahasa Indonesia), Authorship, Abstrak (in Bahasa Indonesia), Pendahuluan (Introduction/Background), Eksperimen (Experimental), Hasil dan Diskusi (Results and Discussion), Kesimpulan (Conclusion), Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgment) if any and Daftar Pustaka (References).


Abstrak (Abstract, in Bahasa Indonesia)

The abstract is written in Bahasa using Calibri (body) 10 pt, single spacing (1.0). Abstract length is not more than 250 words. Avoid using acronyms, abbreviations, or symbols in the abstract. The abstract can describe qualitative and quantitative information. List 3-5 keywords related to abstract.

Pendahuluan (Introduction/Background)

This section contains the background of scientific research/writing, a literature review that directs the introduction to take the formulation of the problem, the update of the article on the literature review, and research/writing objectives. Indonesian language reading sources with 2 authors use conjunctions and, if English use conjunctions and. Reading source Indonesian with 3 or more authors using the conjunction et al, if English uses conjunctions et al. The type of citation (citation style) used refers to American Psychological Association (APA) style.

The accepted manuscript is in Bahasa. Writing format using MS Word, Calibri font type (body) size 11 pt with 1.0 spacing with A4 paper size and 1 column. The beginning of the paragraph (first line) is written indented to in (Indent: 0.5 inches or 1.25 cm). Greek symbols are written according to the original, for example (for beta), (for gamma), and so on. The writing of chemical notation follows the applicable standard rules, for example, Al2O3 and Ni(NO3).6H2O. If there are words in a foreign language in the text, write them in italic font. The maximum number of article pages that can be loaded is 12 pages.

Eksperimen (Experimental)

This section contains the tools and materials used which include the name and grade of the substance manufacturer. This section contains the instrumentation methods used to obtain the data accompanied by
the specification of instruments and parameters used in data analysis. This section contains the course of research or how it works. If possible, describe in full how to obtain data, process data, and interpret data.

Hasil dan Diskusi (Results and Discussion)

This section contains the results of the research and a comprehensive discussion. Research results are not separated from the discussion in their entirety and continuity. In presenting data in table form 1.0 spacing and font size 10. If there are more from one table, use table numbering, for example, Table 1, Table 2, and so on.

Images presented in the manuscript should be obtained from high pixelation (500 dpi). If possible, images in image file format (JPEG or JPG) can be included in separate files to make image editing easier. Number definitions, theorems, effects, lemmas, mathematical equations, and chemical reactions are typed (not copied) with Arabic numerals. Numbers are typed in parentheses. Mathematical equations or chemical reactions typed with the Microsoft Equation Editor or the Math Type add-on. Insertable molecular structures are a structure drawn in ChemSketch, ChemDraw, or HyperChem. Please avoid repetition of writing mathematical equations, chemical reactions, definitions, theorems, effects, lemmas, and sentences, simply write down the sequence number that is referred to.

Kesimpulan (Conclusion)

This section contains conclusions from the research carried out according to the objectives expected by the researcher

Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgment, if any)

This section contains acknowledgments related to academic activities, for example to the research funder, an expert who plays a role in the discussion, data collection, or analysis of data directly related to the research/writing presented.

Daftar Pustaka (References)

Writing bibliography (references) used refers to American Psychological Association (APA) style and it is recommended to use a library management program, namely Mendeley Reference Manager.

For further information of JuSES article format Click Here. (NEW! - February 2019)