The Effect Of Smartphone Addiction On Mood And Feeling In Adolescents
Smartphone Addiction, Adolescents, Feelings and MoodsAbstract
Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents will also be in a critical period, experiencing many problems including unstable feelings and changing moods. So that it can have an impact on stress, anxiety, and interfere with the concentration of adolescents in thinking. Daily activities such as frequent use of a smartphone can be a trigger for changes in mood and feeling. The purpose of this study was to find out how big the level of smartphone addiction is, measures of mood and feelings, and the relationship between smartphone addiction and adolescent feelings and moods. This quantitative research uses a descriptive correlation approach. The research instrument used 2 stages of the questionnaire. The first used the Smartphone Addiction Scale (SAS) questionnaire and the second questionnaire, namely the Mood and Feeling Question (MFQ) by taking the population in this study using a random sampling technique with a total of 165 respondents who were aged 10-18 years. Correlation test was performed using bivariate. The results of this study found no significant relationship between smartphone addiction and mood and feeling with a significance value of 0.505, because the significance value was > 0.05. In conclusion, changes in mood and feeling are complex situations so that the trigger can be more than one factor other than smartphone addiction.
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