Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination on the Health Status of Pregnant Women


  • Kristiani Desimina Tauho Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Jufita Indriyani Noha Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana



vaccination, COVID-19, pregnant women


COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the coronavirus. Pregnant women infected with COVID-19 in the first trimester can affect fetal development and the process of organogenesis. This research aims to identify the side effects of COVID-19 vaccination on the health status of pregnant women. The research method used is a traditional literature review. The way to get data is to use the Google Scholar, PubMed, and Medline databases. The maximum journal period is the last five years, with inclusion criteria for primary literature published in 2017 – 2022 in English and Indonesian, discussing variables related to COVID-19 vaccination on the health of pregnant women, and is a primary article. The research results found that the effect of COVID-19 vaccination on pregnant women and non-pregnant women had the same symptoms, such as myalgia, arthralgia, headache, pain and swelling at the injection site, rash, fever, and severe fatigue. The difference is that pregnant women who are given COVID-19 vaccination when exposed to COVID-19 experience mild symptoms and do not result in fetal miscarriage or premature birth. Cases of premature birth were found in pregnant women who were given COVID-19 vaccination before 27 weeks of age. It can be concluded that COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women provides benefits in reducing the intensity of COVID-19 symptoms. Therefore, pregnant women should be encouraged to get COVID-19 vaccination.


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How to Cite

Tauho, K. D., & Noha, J. I. (2023). Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccination on the Health Status of Pregnant Women. JOURNAL OF HUMAN HEALTH, 2(2), 11–22.