Training of Trainer Critical Thinking di Pusat Pendidikan Banyu Biru
Training of Trainer, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,Pusat Pendidikan PolisiAbstract
Critical thinking is needed in various situations so that it can rationally decide and make solutions to the problems being faced. In this community service, the author conducted critical thinking training for Binmas Polri facilitators in Banyu Biru. Participants are facilitators who provide socialization to Bhabinkamtibmas candidates. The purpose of community service with participants at the Banyu Biru Education Centre is because the police are required to be able to protect humanity, improve the quality of life, and protect civilization. using the Training of Trainer method with Focus Group Discussion with 25 participants. It is hoped that with this community service participants will have the ability to think critically which allows them to evaluate situations quickly, efficiently and safely. because critical thinking is an integral part of law enforcement decision making.
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