Parents Empowerment: Seni Mendampingi Anak di Masa Belajar dari Rumah (BDR)
Anak, Belajar dari Rumah, Orang Tua, Parents EmpowermentAbstract
During this Covid-19 pandemic, learning tends to be done remotely at home. With the increasing involvement of parents in the process of mentoring children Learning from Home, the level of need for assistance to parents also increases to be able to assist children in learning effectively. Some of the symptoms that appear include parental and child boredom, increased parental pressure levels, less conducive parent-child communication, reduced opportunities for strengthening character education and so on. This community service activity is in the form of strengthening the parents of students in: character education, effective communication, reading skills, the art of creativity, and scientific reasoning. The object of the activity is SDN Sumogawe 1, Semarang Regency and SDN Mangunsari 3, Salatiga. The two educational institutions are still struggling to carry out learning during the pandemic so that it can be more integrated (parents, students & teachers), meaningful and fun. This activity is carried out within a period of 12 months from planning activities to reporting the results of activities.
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