Optimasi Akses Air Bersih di Kecamatan Argomulyo: Program Mahasiswa KPK UKSW Menuju SDG’s ke-6 Tahun 2023
Akses Air Bersih, Sustainable Development Goals, Kolaborasi, Quad-HelixAbstract
This article discusses the efforts of SWCU KPK students and the Komsel 5 congregation of the GBI Ola Et Labora Buksuling Salatiga church in optimizing access to clean water in Argomulyo District as a response to the clean water and sanitation crisis. Focusing on the Bendosari Kumpulrejo and Nobokulon areas, which are affected by drought, this article explains the urgency of the 6th SDG goal, highlighting the impact of limited access to clean water on the health, social, and economic aspects of the community. The clean water program not only addresses physical problems but also builds a social foundation for achieving justice, prosperity, and equality. Quad-helix collaboration between students, churches, government, and society is the key to the success of the program, creating synergy in solving clean water problems holistically. This article emphasizes the importance of active participation and collaboration in achieving the 6th SDG goal, proving that this program not only provides access to clean water but also creates empowered, healthy, and sustainable communities.
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