Thrift shopping intention: Understanding determinant of second-hand apparel shopping behavior
Hedonic motives, social support, perceived risk, shopping intentionAbstract
This study aims to determine the factors that influence consumer behavior related to shopping intention in used clothing products (thrift). The population of this study is Indonesian people who desire to purchase used clothing products. The total population in the study was 200 thrift consumers. This study used primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires using the Google form and a Likert scale. The analytical method uses SEM with AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) software. The results of this study indicate that social support has a significant effect on shopping intention. In contrast, hedonic motivation and perceived risk do not significantly affect shopping intention. The development of the industrial world, especially in the field of used clothing products (thrift) to increase people's shopping intention, can be based on factors that have a significant influence, such as social support. The limitation of this research is that the data produced is only from a questionnaire instrument based on the perception of respondents' answers, so conclusions are drawn only based on data collected through a written questionnaire instrument without being equipped with interviews.
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