Developing innovative work behavior: The influence of psychological empowerment and intergenerational learning
Innovative work behavior, psychological empowerment, intergenerational learningAbstract
In the era industrial revolution 4.0 and the development of online-based learning systems, lecturers are required to be more creative and innovative. This study aims to examine the effect of psychological empowerment and intergenerational learning on the innovative work behavior of lecturers with a climate of age diversity as a mediating variable. The type of this research is explanatory research. The population of this research is lecturers from private universities in Central Java. By using accidental sampling, obtained 152 lecturers who became respondents in this study. The data analysis technique used the Partial Least Square (PLS) test using the SmartPLS. The results of the study revealed that psychological empowerment and intergenerational learning had a significant and positive effect on lecturers' innovative work behavior. However, the climate of age diversity was found not to be a fully mediating variable on innovative work behavior. The results of this study provide managerial implications that it is important in the work environment of higher institution to apply psychological empowerment practices towards lecturers to improve lecturers' innovative work behavior. In addition, the efforts to encourage learning between lecturers of different generations are also important.
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