Environmental performance and corporate governance: What we learn from Japan
Environmental performance, corporate governance, competitive advantage, financial performanceAbstract
This study aims to acknowledge how environmental performance, corporate governance, competitive advantage, and financial performance-linked each other in Japan. The data used are data from chemical, pharmaceutical, and machinery sub-sector companies listed on the Japan Exchange Group 2013 - 2018. This research was explanatory research using a quantitative approach and implemented Partial least Square (PLS). This study found that the board of directors and firm performance have no significant effect on the company's environmental performance, while corporate control and ownership structure provide a different result. Then, environmental performance and ownership structure have been proven to bring a significant contribution to the company's competitive advantage. Reflecting on Japan, this study suggests several recommendations to the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry to develop environmental conservation schemes and concepts implemented by public companies in Indonesia and the Indonesian Ministry of Finance to develop applicable environmental accounting concepts for public companies in Indonesia.
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