Entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial intention: When more learning exposures are efficacious
individual entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial intention, entrepreneurship course, college student organizationAbstract
Many business schools in the world seek to create newly aspiring entrepreneurs starting from their university years. Many Indonesian universities also engage in this challenging effort. This study investigates the effect of students’ individual entrepreneurial orientation (IEO) on entrepreneurial intention (EI) through regression analysis and t-test on 200 students from several major Indonesian universities. Our results indicate that all IEO dimensions (i.e., innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, passion, and perseverance) positively affect EI. These findings fill in the gap regarding the IEO studies in other contexts by adding two new dimensions, namely passion and perseverance. Further, this study demonstrates that students who have taken entrepreneurship courses exhibit greater effect of IEO on EI, but only in two dimensions (i.e., risk taking and proactiveness). Besides, students who actively participate in student organizations exhibit higher IEO than those who do not, especially in three dimensions dimensions (i.e., innovativeness, risk taking, proactiveness). Hence, this study underscores the importance of various learning exposures (not only in the classroom) for university students to develop their IEO.
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