The essential benefits of an enterprise blockchain in business model innovation
Blockchain, business model innovation, enterprise, private, consortiumAbstract
Blockchain brings changes and disruptions to the existing business models and therefore deserves further analysis. Accordingly, this study aims to explain the phenomenon of blockchain technology in the business model innovation in the enterprise ecosystem. Empirically, numerous studies have shown that blockchain technology improves organizational performance. This study uses a value system framework to explain the enterprise blockchain phenomenon. Through abductive reasoning, this study uses a multiple-case study to answer the research questions. In sum, this study finds that blockchain technology delivers benefits to organizations in: (i) value capture through increased profitability; (ii) value creation through private partnership; (iii) value delivery through smart contracts; and (iv) value proposition that encourages improving the existing value proposition through operational improvements. Besides, the study also proposes the different types of enterprise blockchain ecosystems: private and consortium. The private ecosystem focuses on improving organizational performance through competition. In contrast, the consortium ecosystem focuses on business value collaboration.
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