Pengaruh dan Pentingnya Pendidikan Moral Sejak Dini
millennial generation, education, morals, early ageAbstract
The millennial generation grows and develops in the modern era with increasingly rapid technological advances.
Not only physical growth, but their mindset, character, morals, sophistication, creativity also grow rapidly with the times.
The millennial generation who is increasingly sophisticated and intelligent sometimes forgets the importance of morals, ethics and character that must be possessed as a generation of the nation.
Because later they will play a lot in the life and prosperity of this country. It is very important to start moral, ethical and character education from an early age, considering that children will be easier to tell than teenagers who still want to find their identity.
When the children are old they will listen to the words of their parents innocently and still obey. However, there is nothing wrong with giving meaning and good moral education to teenagers. The importance of this research is to provide insight to the community that morals and characters that are formed from the start have a positive impact on children's development for their lives.
This study aims to provide an understanding of the importance and good moral education given from an early age. The research method used is a qualitative method.
The results of the study show that moral education carried out from an early age has a good effect on individual growth in the family, school, and surrounding environment, and can even become the basis for the younger generation to realize the national vision and mission of building the nation and state.
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