: Causes of marriage, child marriage, structuration theory, structure-agent dialecticsAbstract
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 16 of 2019 concerning marriage article 7, marriage is only permitted if the man and woman have reached the age of 19 (nineteen) years. But in reality, the practice of child marriage still occurs in Ngronggo Hamlet, Kumpulrejo Village, Salatiga City. This study aims to describe the phenomenon of child marriage by explaining the factors that cause child marriage, using the perspective of Anthony Giddens' structuration theory. The research approach used qualitative methods with descriptive research type, the analysis was carried out in 3 (three) stages; the data reduction stage, the data presentation stage, and the conclusion. The results showed that the factors causing child marriage were structural dialectics (religion and culture) and agents. From a religious perspective, young marriages are to avoid sins, while from a cultural perspective, there is a feeling of shame when dating for a long time. For agents, getting married on their own will. The dialectic between these objective-subjective structures, supported by support from the family and the opportunity for dispensation requests, becomes legitimacy for agents to carry out child marriages. In other words, without family support and dispensation with age regulations, child marriage cannot occur.
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