Analisis Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Lama Studi Mahasiswa dengan Metode SMARTER
SMARTER, ROC, GraduationAbstract
One of the criteria in the assessment of college accreditation is student graduation. Factors that affect the students' study period need to be analyzed. In this study, the SMARTER method was used to find these factors. Data were obtained from a questionnaire with 133 respondents. Validity and reliability tests were conducted to determine the validity of the test equipment. The test was carried out with a significance test of 0.05 for the validity test and a reliability test of 0.811, which means the reliability is very high. The data is processed by the SMARTER method. The SMARTER method is a settlement method where the weights are calculated using the Rank Order Centroid (ROC) weighting calculation for each criterion and sub-criteria. Actual data shows that the lecturer factor is the main factor that affects the students' study period, followed by student factors, facilities and infrastructure factors, and external factors. From the results of the SMARTER method, it is found that the element that most influences student graduation is the lecturer factor, with a utility value of 15.918. The second factor is the student factor, which has a utility value of 8.297, followed by the facilities and infrastructure factor of 4.425, and external factors of 1.312. From the results of the SMARTER method and actual data, it is found that the lecturer's guidance is a factor that significantly influences the students' study period.
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