Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi menggunakan Ward and Peppard


  • Raymond Putra Fajar Prayogo universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
  • Christ Rudianto
  • Penidas Fiodinggo Tanaem



information system strategic planning, Value Chain, SWOT, McFarlan Strategic Grid, PEST.


UD.  Leon Jaya is an building equipment importer.  The problems faced by UD.  Leon Jaya are a conventional data storage model and business process activities are carried out manually. For, example data collection of incoming and outgoing goods.  The solutions to the problems are a computerized system for digital / electronic data storage and a management information system to carry out business process activities.  The development of a computerized system requires a good planning, comprehensive, and able to anticipate the development needs of the company, which absolutely requires IS / IT strategic planning.  This study aims to find the right method and steps for UD.  Leon Jaya in compiling the IS / IT Strategic Plan.  Formulation of a strategic plan for IS / IT UD.  Leon Jaya uses the Ward and Peppard method, internal analysis using Value Chain and SWOT, external analysis using PEST, and portfolio mapping using Mcfarlan Strategic Grid.  The results of the recommendations are data management SI, goods price SI, sales and demand SI, transaction SI, warehouse stock mobile application, HR SI, website, training application and company operation standart application.


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How to Cite

R. P. F. Prayogo, C. Rudianto, and P. F. Tanaem, “Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi menggunakan Ward and Peppard”, AITI, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 97–110, Nov. 2021.




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